The Cover-Up BeginsPoole has several central Ohio political pundits a-twitter, deciding whether they should play their Sergeant Schultz card about this appointment of this man, or whether they should come out and defend him. Sounds like we'll be hearing some "I know nuthink" coming outta their mouths soon.
Patrick Poole will be on Dirk Thompson show tomorrow, Saturday, at 5:15pm EDT on 610AM WTVN talking about this issue. Dirk has invited all three members of County Commission to participate, but none have taken him up on the offer as of yet.
If Watergate should have taught politicians anything, its that the cover-up ends up more damaging than the actual crime. Case in point: following up on the report yesterday about Franklin County Commissioner Paula Brooks calling for an immediate investigation in response to my article published earlier this week, "Hometown Jihad: The Somali Terror Apologist Next Door," today it seems that the County Commissioners have begun to rally around terror apologist Abukar Arman rather than answer the hard questions about who in fact recommended Arman for appointment to the Criminal Justice Planning Board, which oversees Central Ohio Homeland Security.
Read it all here.
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