Saturday, October 11, 2008

Obama: produce a freakin' birth certificate, already!

As you probably know, Pennsylvania attorney Phillip J. Berg filed a federal court case disputing the U.S. Citizenship of the One. Berg contends two things:
  1. Obama was not actually born in Hawaii, but in Kenya. His half-sister said he was born in one Hawaii hospital, the One said he was born in another in Hawaii. His material grandmother and brother brag about being in the delivery room when he was born.
  2. If Obama was born in Hawaii, he lost his citizenship when his mother re-married and moved with George Soretoros to Indonesia. According to Berg, to attend school in Indonesia, he would have had to be a citizen, which means adopted or 'recognized' by his stepfather. He attended a Madrassa (muslim school) there, and Berg has documentation showing that.
Obama, shut up your critics and produce a freakin' birth certificate.

Leftmedia, how about 'vetting' your candidate?

It's time for pitchforks and torches, folks. Don't let this monster steal the election and turn our country in a banana republic.

Does Obama have ANY friends who aren't COMMUNISTS?

Rhetorical question, I know. As succinctly as can be told (from The Jawa Report), the story of O:

Question: Does Barack Obama Have Any Friends Who AREN'T Communists?
The news of Barack Obama's close relationship with Frank Marshall Davis has been around before, but it's important. Via Accuracy in Media:

[T]hrough Frank Marshall Davis, Obama had an admitted relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where, at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his "poetry" and getting advice on his career path. But Obama, in his book, Dreams From My Father, refers to him repeatedly as just "Frank."

The reason is apparent: Davis was a known communist who belonged to a party subservient to the Soviet Union. In fact, the 1951 report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified him as a CPUSA member.

Aren't we seeing a pattern here? One interaction with one old communist isn't particularly troubling. A handful of sporadic interactions with a handful of radical left-wingers may not be particularly troubling. But a lifelong pattern of extended associations and alliances with scores of fringe, America-hating radicals is very, very troubling indeed.

Just to be clear:

It's not just that Barack Obama's father was a Marxist economist or that his mother Stanley came from radical far-left roots.

It's not just that Obama's childhood mentor Frank Marshall Davis was a famous communist poet.

It's not just that Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor, counselor and spiritual mentor of 20 years is a racist, America-hating radical.

It's not just that Father Michael Phleger, Obama's other spiritual mentor is every bit as extreme as Wright.

It's not just that his wife Michelle has never been really that proud of America, or that she thinks this country is "mean".

It's not just that Obama refused to wear a flag, or that he refused to salute it during the national anthem.

It's not just that Obama's political and financial benefactor William Ayers is an unrepentant radical socialist terrorist.

It's not just that Bernadine Dohrn regrets that she didn't kill more people back in the 1960s.

It's not just that Alice Palmer, Obama's political mentor in Chicago, was a communist propagandist.

It's not just that Obama was a member of the radical socialist New Party or that he ran as a candidate for public office under their far-left platform.

It's not just that Obama was an agitator, trainer and attorney for the corrupt and radical-left ACORN.

None of these facts, by itself, tells you that much about Barack Obama. A reasonable person should, however, be able to look at this motley crew of left-wing communists and America-haters, realize that Barack Obama's rolodex is a veritable Who's Who of American Socialism, be very, very disturbed by that fact and ask some very probing questions about WHO Barack Obama is, WHAT he believes, and WHY this gang of radical America-haters considers Barack Obama such a good friend.
Connect the dots.

Obama: America doesn't know you

From Michael Ramirez.