I was recently reminded of this book that started my personal anti-islamic crusade. It clearly outlines who was really responsible for the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing of the Murrah Federal Building: islamic terrorists, how the media and the government covered it up, and tried to blame it entirely on a homegrown terrorist.
Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were the 'lily-white puppets' of islamic terrorists, recruited (apparently for their stupidity) and sent to the Phillipines for training. The bomb had the signature of a middle eastern terrorist. Muslims, Iraqui ex-patriates, were living in Oklahoma City and were sighted with McVeigh and Nichols numerous times. Read about the incompetent or in-denial FBI and justice department.
Visit author Jayna Davis' website, read the book. Very convincing evidence of an islamic conspiracy on our own soil.
Info Obyek Wisata Murah Indonesia dan Penginapan serta Hotel Murah
10 years ago