Sunday, October 08, 2006

No More Apologies: If you don't like freedom of speech, get the h*ll out

H/T to Little Green Footballs. This "Islamic Brownshirts" article in the Spectator discusses how we should stop apologizing to islam for their own sensitivity and paranoia.

WE ARE BEING TERRORIZED OUT of our rights to freedom of speech and freedom of the press. The Islamic Brownshirts are working feverishly to suppress any criticism of themselves and their ideology. Because the president has (for the moment, at least) fled this battlefield, we must fight on our own. To begin, we have to recognize, and speak out on, four ground truths.

First, there is an enormous advantage America has over the nations in the grip of radical Islam. That advantage is enshrined in the Constitution's Bill of Rights, the freedoms stated in it inherently incompatible with radical Islam. Every time we apologize for an act such as labeling the Islamofascists correctly, we lose a bit of that freedom. Islamic fascists are just that, and we should remind the world of it at every opportunity. Just like those in Germany and conquered Europe who every night slept fitfully fearing the Gestapo's knock on the door, the people who live under radical Islam live in constant fear. The oppressed are not our enemy: the oppressors are.

Second, as Robert Spencer's Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades documents thoroughly -- quoting at length from the hadith (sayings of Muhammad that accompany the Koran) -- radical Islamists can offer only three choices to non-believers: convert to Islam, pay the poll-tax on non-Muslims and live under Islamic law, or war. As Spencer wrote, "Always remember, 'peaceful coexistence as equals in a pluralistic society' isn't one of the choices." The only answer to this is to Americanize the words of Australian Treasurer Peter Costello, who said in an August 2005 interview:

"[T]his is a country, which is founded on a democracy. According to our Constitution, we have a secular state. Our laws are made by the Australian Parliament. If those are not your values, if you want a country which has Sharia law or a theocratic state, then Australia is not for you. This is not the kind of country where you would feel comfortable if you were opposed to democracy, parliamentary law, independent courts and so I would say to people who don't feel comfortable with those values there might be other countries where they'd feel more comfortable with their own values or beliefs."

So it must be here. Anyone who wants to embrace our Constitution and renounce other law, who wants to be a participant in our democracy and is not hostile to the freedoms we enjoy, is welcome. Others are not.

Third, America began with a Declaration of Independence that was written, in part, because of our "decent respect to the opinions of mankind." But decent respect does not mean that we are ruled by others' opinions or law. And when we look at what is happening in England and Europe, we know we cannot accept that result and must summon our resolve to fight -- by words and deeds -- its achievement here.

Most importantly, the reigning emotions among radical Islamists are paranoia and insecurity. They think that anyone who utters the slightest criticism of them, their religion or their societies must be punished violently. The fourth ground truth is that these emotions are their problem, not ours. We must use them to our advantage. The weapon provided by the radicals' fear and insecurity should be used incessantly. Scorn, contempt, shame and disrespect are what we should heap upon them. Every time we denounce a terrorist, the denunciation should include every single person, group and government that shares his beliefs. Civilization owes no apologies to Islamic fascists. Let us hear no more of them.

TAS contributing editor Jed Babbin is the author of Inside the Asylum: Why the UN and Old Europe Are Worse Than You Think (Regnery, 2004)

Remember the old signs from the Vietnam era? AMERICA: LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT. We need to have this translated into arabic, somalian, kurdish, and any other language the towelheads understand and post it publicly.

It will be incredibly difficult to clean out the infestation of islam in the US without vigilantism. Obviously, our elected officials don't have the cajones to do it. I predict an uprising in the coming years and months, a backlash against anything muslim. Unfortunately, more people will have to die before the dhimmi majority of Americans understand.

Former Islamic extremist: Stop being a 'passive terrorist'

H/T to Robert Spencer who runs the Jihad Watch blog & news site. With a lifelong history of studying islam and other religions, Mr. Spencer has been attempting to convince westerners for years of the intentions of the islamic world. He has been denouncing the writings of the prophet Muhammed, based on english translations of the qu'ran, the scripture of islam, and the hadiths, the frequently violent writings and teachings of Muhammed. He has been asking so-called 'moderate' muslims in the west to openly condemn these writings and to work to reform their religion to remove the violence and hate. His recently released book, 'The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion' is sure to spark even more controversy.

Mr. Spencer has been largely ignored, except for the condemnation of his work as hate speech. Until now.

An op-ed piece in the Rocky Mountain News from a former extremist muslim reaffirms what Mr. Spencer has been saying: Muslims must both denounce and renounce their violent hadiths.

Ayman al-Zawahri, al-Qaida's No. 2 man, leader, last month announced that Americans must choose: Convert to Islam or continue to receive acts of terror.

Al-Zawahri was reiterating a fundamental concept of Salafi Islamic teaching, the fountainhead of extremist thinking. Yet the authors of the American government's recent intelligence report on terrorism's spread seem not to have been listening.

Zawahri's threat is based on a saying of the Prophet Muhammad as written in Sahih Al-Buchary, a central book of Salafi Islamic teaching. This hadith, or fundamental concept, states: "I have been ordered by Allah to fight and kill all mankind until they say, 'No God except Allah and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah' (Hadith Sahih)." Based on this hadith, early Muslims used the sword to spread Islam throughout the world. The same hadith inspires contemporary Islamic terror including this summer's thwarted London airplane explosions. Other rationales that terrorists use to justify terrorism - the Arab-Israeli conflict, America's involvement in Iraq - are simply useful propaganda cover stories, not the actual causes or goals of terrorists' actions.

Americans must be wary of political leaders who accept the propaganda explanations. To win the war on terror, America's leaders must recognize the powerful role of the Islamic religious principle of jihad, Islam's belief that it must conquer the world, which derives from the above hadith. Belief in jihad is what causes so many Muslims worldwide to cheer terrorist acts such as 9/11, European subway bombings, and Hezbollah and Hamas attacks against Israel.

Allowing jihadist teaching to continue is like allowing cancer cells to survive in a human body.

The human immune system demonstrates that nurturing normal cells and respecting their variance sustains life. A healthy body nourishes cell diversity. A healthy body politic, similarly, must value respect for different beliefs. At the same time, if an immune system shows any tolerance whatsoever for cancer cells, the latter will terminate that body's life. The immune system of a body politic must have a similar zero tolerance for beliefs that incite violence against its citizens.

Cancer can be overcome if an individual has a strong immune system that acts to triumph over the killer cells. Similarly, the cancerous teachings of Salafi Islam could become insignificant if the majority of Muslims were to vocally oppose them.

Unfortunately, however, the vast majority of Muslims, Islamic organizations and Islamic scholars have not publicly objected to these teachings. There have been no powerful Muslim demonstrations to denounce Osama bin Laden and not a single fatwa by top Islamic scholars or organizations to consider bin Laden an apostate - as was done to Salman Rushdie just for writing a novel.

Because the teachings continue, a significant proportion of the world's Muslims have become passive terrorists, peaceful citizens whose sympathy in their hearts and support with their purses enable terrorism's spread.

If Islamic scholars and organizations in America disapprove of jihadist teachings, they must speak out against them. Americans should consider Muslims to be moderates, and Islam a peaceful faith, only if, in English and in Arabic, Muslims clearly denounce their violent hadiths and strike them from the books that educate their next generation.

In addition to internal immune reactions, externally applied interventions also can destroy cancer cells. Like cancer-fighting chemotherapy, strongly applied military might can reduce large tumors. America eliminated al-Qaida training camps in Afghanistan, but the verdict is not yet in on whether Israel this past summer similarly decimated Hezbollah.

To conquer the metastases of extremist Islam, however, words may be the most potent weapons. Outspoken condemnation of the theological sources of terrorism by American intellectuals and politicians, reinforcing the self-examination of Muslims themselves, could make a vital difference.

Addressing the theological wellsprings of Islamic terrorist motivation is essential if America is to succeed in its war against terrorism. Pope Benedict XVI has begun leading the way. Neither political correctness nor Muslim outrage must be allowed to prevent further realistic talk about the religious underpinnings of Islamic violence. Otherwise Islamic teaching will continue to spread jihad's cancerous beliefs.

Dr. Tawfik Hamid, an Egyptian physician, Islamic scholar and former extremist, is the author of The Roots of Jihad ( Hamid will be speaking in Denver at the University of Denver on Monday at 7:30 p.m.

Dr. Hamid's words are sure to fall upon deaf ears and also regarded as hate speech. Here's an excerpt from Mr. Spencer's article at Jihad watch:
...regular readers of Jihad Watch will recognize the familiar denial, the familiar indignation, the familiar charges of ignorance and ill will. These have become the dispiritingly common ways in which all too many Muslim spokesmen respond to those who merely point out various aspects of Islamic tradition that make them uncomfortable. Instead of working in constructive ways for reform, they prefer to demonize and vilify those who, like me, bring such material to light -- as if I really did make up the incident in which Muhammad married his daughter-in-law and somehow, through my black Zionist arts, made millions of Muslims believe it.

That's why it was refreshing to read "Speakout: Muslims must both denounce, renounce their violent hadiths," by Dr. Tawfik Hamid in the Rocky Mountain News (thanks to Skip). For quoting the same hadith he quotes in this piece and noting the same thing he notes about it -- that jihadists today take it seriously -- I have been called a hatemonger, a liar, an ignoramus, the spawn of the devil himself. Of course, Hamid leaves the Qur'an untouched, and there is plenty in that book that also must be examined critically if Islamic violence is ever to be mitigated, but his honesty about the hadith is refreshing, and sorely needed.
Amen, Robert. God bless you and keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to reading your new book.

If you truly want to understand the motivations of the islamists, read Mr. Spencer's "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)"