I saw this on the tube yesterday morning. It was just posted at another SOB alliance site, Right Angle Blog , now it's up on Youtube:
The text from this spot:
"You've been hearing about drug allegations in Sherrod Brown's office when he was Ohio's secretary of state. I thought it was important to come forward, and to tell you the truth. I was a narcotics officer sent undercover to Brown's office, and I made a drug buy from one of Brown's employees. Instead of firing her, Sherrod Brown promoted her, and he even gave her a raise. That's the kind of person he is. I don't trust Sherrod Brown, and I don't think you should either."
Vicki Almay
Narcotics Officer (Ret.)
Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation
A Columbus Dispatch series in the 90's details the investigation.
Me, I prefer a non-drug deal kinda Senator. I'm just sayin'...
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10 years ago